You’ve probably heard of love or a vanilla relationship, and this is because this term is becoming more and more known in the general culture. If you still don’t know what it is and you’re wondering: What is a vanilla relationship? Here we clarify all your doubts about it
It refers to types of relationships, which describes the type of relationship that the couple maintains as well as the usual sexual practices they frequent. However, the term sometimes tends to be used pejoratively by different groups, especially those who enjoy daring sexual practices.

What is vanilla love?
What is vanilla love? Vanilla love refers to those relationships that maintain or prefer to practice conventional or traditional love. Without resorting to extremes, strange or very risky practices, such as sadomasochism or the different existing fetishes.
In this order, a vanilla courtship is one that conforms to the traditional and conventional. Referring to all aspects such as sexual practices, the types of dates and activities they frequent, future plans and much more.
How do you know if you’re stuck in vanilla sex?
When talking about or relating this type of sex, it mostly refers to customary, traditional or conventional sexual practices. Where the typical predominates and not the modern or risky, however, couples feel comfortable with this type of experience.
The person feels safe, in their comfort zone without the need to experience new or risky things. In the vanilla sexologist type, she says that her favorite and, in some cases, unique position is the missionary.
However, resorting to or using missionary or this type of conventional or traditional sex is not indicative of anything wrong. Despite being used by some groups as a pejorative term, people who identify with this term are very happy.
Practicing traditional sex is not a sign of fear or lack of passion for your partner or vice versa, it is just a choice. Most people who engage in this type of sexual practice do so because they feel comfortable in this way, because they enjoy it one hundred percent.
They do not require extravagant or risky positions or movements, as they enjoy the classic and sharing with their partner in the best way. As with lingerie, beyond risky or sensual clothes, their greatest passion is for the skin, it is the most attractive thing for them.
What types of relationships are there?
There are different types of relationships, however these are estimated according to generalities. Consequently, people do not always feel identified, since each person is a human being who thinks totally differently from another, and with respect to a relationship they are two people.
Therefore, when we refer to the vanilla type, spiritual meaning is something very diverse and broad. Even though being an old-fashioned, conventional, or traditional type of relationship still has many divisions within this group of people. Since the vanilla personality has a great weight and influence on the person’s actions, and of course on the relationship as well.
Therefore, the important thing, beyond a division or classification of the types of couples, is to be able to know and communicate in the best way with your partner. By getting to know in depth the person with whom you share your time and passions, the person you love and desire with you.
As you accomplish that, your union and understanding will become greater and greater. Consequently, success in the relationship and above all the enjoyment of their love, their sexual practices and their time together. That is the essence of love itself, for which one should never leave behind beyond the different sexual practices.