There are many people in the world who may be afraid not to love, but they are often very afraid to express their feelings or to be rejected.

This type of behavior is called alexithymia, but it is important to know more about alexithymia.
For that reason, we have taken the task of explaining to you what alexithymia is, or the inability to love and feel emotions. It is important that you know what the symptoms, causes, and treatments are.
What is Alexithymia or inability to love?
If you want to know what alexithymia or the inability to love is, you should first know that, according to official studies, 10 out of every 100 people are afraid to express their feelings, now it is important to note that, of those 10 people, 8 are men and 2 are women.
This fear of expressing feelings or that inability to fall in love, is called alexithymia, this is due to some neurological disorder that is causing feelings to be blocked as a method of defense, but why a method of defense? We’re going to explain them to you.
Alexithymia or the inability to love can be a method of defense because the person who suffers from alexithymia is unconsciously protecting themselves from being hurt again, that is, from being hurt again, because this person has alexithymia due to a trauma that was previously caused.
The damage they caused to that person who suffers from alexithymia is a type of damage that goes hand in hand with feelings and emotions, it is for that reason that their brain is in charge of creating that barrier to be able to protect themselves.
What are the causes and types of alexithymia?
Now in order for you to know and know what are the causes of alexithymia or the inability to love, it is first essential that we can know and define what the types of alexithymia are, because in this way we will be able to know what the causes are.
So, we have to be clear that when we talk about alexithymia, we can be referring to two types of incapacity to love because there are two types of alexithymia. That’s right, there is first-degree alexithymia and second-degree alexithymia, or failing that, primary and secondary.
First-degree or primary alexithymia is the one that a person may have because of a biological inheritance, which causes neurologically to present a deficit that is causing the blocking of their feelings and emotions, it is an involuntary impulse that will make the person close their feelings.
On the other hand, second-grade or secondary alexithymia is generated when a person suffered some type of physical or mental abuse that generated a psychological problem and does not want to continue having any type of contact or approach that involves feelings.
How to tell if a person has alexithymia and how to treat them
Now that we know what alexithymia or the inability to love is, we need to talk about how to identify a person who has alexithymia in order to know if a person suffers from it and how we should act about it.
In order to know if a person has alexithymia, we must be aware and observe with great determination how that person behaves, because a person has alexithymia if he or she has a very closed personality and little communicative or expressive, so it must be observed very well.
The first alert we must catch is if a person has problems expressing their feelings, for example: if the same person is having a hard time knowing or defining what they are feeling, if they do not know if it is hate, love or some other emotion, we must be aware.
Now, if you want to help the person with a treatment for alexithymia, the only one that is available is a psychological treatment so that little by little and with help they can develop that cognitive part in what is their emotional awareness and can lose the fear of loving.