Let him despair for you friend, it is always good to make a man jealous, but it is not good to show jealousy to a man, we must always be astute, remember that between men everything is more about reactions, more about impulses, we are more analytical.
We are nature’s strategists par excellence, they act by instinct, they get carried away by situations, and there is nothing better than being the one who controls those situations at all times.

Does jealousy work? Without a doubt, jealousy is one of the techniques we all use to guarantee our partner’s attention.
How to Tell if a Man Is Jealous
How to know if a man is jealous is elementary, you see him, you feel him, there is no one better than you to know if that sense of jealousy was activated in him or her. Well, it’s not all about physical relationships.
You know him, you know how he thinks, you know how he acts, even you know him more than he knows himself, women are more intuitive, nothing escapes a girl’s eye, and if it’s about who she likes, much less.
The body language of a jealous man always gives him away, he observes his expressions carefully, you know more by someone’s gestures than by what he says.
He won’t tell you that he is, but he feels, you know how he treats you, and how he refers to you, if you notice the slightest change in his behavior, it is a symptom of jealousy that you should analyze.
Remember that there are types of jealousy, and that’s crucial, jealousy is always present, it’s a response of our mind to the love we feel for the other.
What things make a man jealous?
The things that make a man jealous can be of any kind, literally of any kind. It will all depend on the experiences your partner had before you and how the relationship develops together.
Talking to other guys very often and showing affection causes jealousy in many, because one man gets jealous of another, it is not common to hear that your boyfriend jealousies you with a door or with the window of your room.
What is unhealthy jealousy? an alert, when that alert is activated call the police, well let’s not exaggerate, but if we must be cautious, it can be the cause of a future breakup.
But hey friend how to make a woman jealous is also good to know, remember that he has friends, and friendships exert influence, that your boyfriend’s friend is jealous of him for his attention is indicative that that guy melts for you.
How To Make a Man Jealous Easily
Get back together with your ex, just kidding, don’t do it, if you’re already out of that stuff don’t go back in, but your ex will always be a good element to make a man jealous.
Among the things that make men jealous, exes take the primary place, that silly boy who didn’t value you will always be the reason for displeasure for your guy and exploiting that is simple.
We can always go further, take advantage and link your boyfriend and let your ex see what he loses, how to make my ex jealous, it will be a fun game, where everything is a win and win for you. And also so, if we realize if those talks of him with his ex-have something more than peculiar friendship.
You are the architect and protagonist of this, enjoy along the way how making my ex jealous will be one of your personal missives, it is worth letting us see how radiant you look now. Maybe he’ll even want to come back to you.
If golden opportunities come your way, such as being at the movies with your boyfriend and bumping into your ex, don’t waste them, don’t let them show that you notice their presence, be natural and spontaneous, indifference is stronger than being noticed.
At that point you are the center of attention, jealous men can lead to being like lab guinea pigs, and let’s call this experiment: “Jealous man phrases” and study what they can say at that moment.