If you are wondering how to attract, fall in love or how to conquer a woman as a girl. Read on to keep a couple of important guidelines in mind before proposing to a friend or woman.

The first thing you need to identify is this feeling of attraction to that woman. The if you really like it and want to start something with it. Because we might get confused by this kind of thing. This is very common in adolescence where we begin to get to know each other.
However, we will never stop reinventing ourselves as people. So, these kinds of feelings can appear anywhere in our lives. Both in our adolescence and in our adulthood.
Without further ado, here are specific guidelines of what you can do to like or conquer a woman being a woman.
How to make a straight woman fall in love if I’m a woman
To know how to make a girl fall in love if I’m a woman, you don’t have that much science. Basically, it’s very similar to if it were with a straight couple. However, it can be a bit difficult due to the fact that that girl is straight. But remember that we’re not always re-discovering so she may change her mind.
On the other hand, trying to make a friend or girl she doesn’t like fall in love with you is an effort that can be in vain. If you see that she is not attracted to you in that way, it is best not to insist because you will be annoying to her.
Steps to fall in love, seduce or flirt with a woman as a woman
You must be yourself. Show what you like, show your skills in a very attractive and safe way. There is nothing more than girls love as much as seeing the security that a person has about their things and themselves.
In a subtle way, he catches the girl’s attention. Come up with a way to do it that isn’t too outrageous at the same time. Something small, simple, and full of wonder is much more effective.
Learn more about their interests and tastes. So, you’ll approach her in a way she knows and likes at the same time. It will be very attractive and witty on your part, and at the same time you will not lose your essence or way of being.
Be attentive to her, help her in any way you can. And through this, you will subtly show that you are interested in a way that you will simply get their attention.
Try to spend enough time with her. Not too much so he doesn’t get bored of you, but not too little so he doesn’t forget you.
How to Propose to a Straight Woman or Friend
To come out to a straight girl or friend if I’m a woman, read on:
- Ask her what she thinks about lesbians and open up a topic about this with her.
- Be mindful of their body language. This way you’ll know if she’s on the right track with her.
- How it looks at you. A person’s gaze speaks volumes, so before you propose to a woman, look at how she looks at you.
- Prepare yourself mentally knowing that if you do this you may lose this friendship for a certain amount of time depending on what the person is like.
- When you do, you can use some of their tastes. Like watching a movie together and right at the end you can tell him that you like him, or also through a song. To make it an ingenious way to do it.
- Do it in a very simple, respectful, polite and witty way.
This applies to declaring love to a friend, or a girl you’ve just met to be your girlfriend.
How do I know if I’m a lesbian? I like my best friend
To identify if you are a lesbian or if you like women, look for the following signs:
- You look more at women than guys.
- You imagine yourself with girls.
- You constantly think about what you would be like next to a girl as a partner.
- You’re not attracted to men at all, but you are attracted to women.
- You’re in love with a girl.
In this way you will fall in love and you will be able to conquer a woman you like if you are a woman.