Knowing if my partner and I are compatible is a task that can seem quite difficult. Since they all have their diversity and way of being. And they create a unique bond, so identifying this is quite complex. However, in order to know how compatible we are with our partner, some general aspects of the relationship must be taken into account.
We know that when we start a relationship we will always be filled with excitement and romance. This means that we do not realize important aspects to determine if it is on the right track or not. These aspects can be seen in: attitudes, ways of being, small upsets, among other things.

Therefore, whether you are starting a relationship or not, it will be important to pay attention to these aspects to avoid any upset.
How do I know if my partner and I are incompatible?
To identify whether or not we are incompatible with our partner. It will be important to keep in mind the following aspects that encompass the bond of any relationship. Which can come close to a fairly accurate diagnosis.
The first thing is respect in the relationship. This is basically the fundamental basis of everything. There must be this mutual respect. Since we will learn to value ourselves and not to cross established limits in the relationship, which are important and that we accept at first.
They accept their differences and know how to learn from each other. This is certainly crucial since they don’t dislike each other’s taste or way of being. Rather, they take it as a form of learning or acceptance. And they help each other with self-improvement.
They know how to handle an argument. They accept with maturity what they did and know how to apologize to the other. They completely abandon their ego and focus instead on solving the problem in order to continue to improve.
They have very good communication. This is another very important pillar that leads to a good relationship in the future. Knowing each other’s details, being aware of what has happened to them, among other things. Having good communication with complete confidence in everything will make this a long-lasting and healthy relationship. They don’t think about the compatibility they may have and are secure in their relationship.
Signs of partner incompatibility
These signs of incompatibility in a couple must be kept in mind to avoid any conflict or loss of time in the future. Or solve them if that’s what you prefer. You can see the compatibility or incompatibility through the characters and interests that you have as a couple.
- Small mistakes become big ones, overwhelming the relationship and always turning into an argument.
- It takes away all your freedom. Instead of feeling free with him or her, it becomes all discomfort. He doesn’t let you breathe and forgets that you’re a person with his own interests.
- It’s not their main desire to be together as a couple. They prefer the peace of being alone.
- Incompatibility in coexistence. They don’t know how to live together. They just have very different ways of living and they don’t share them at all. Which creates awkwardness and constant disagreements between the two.
- They don’t hear each other. They can’t fix problems by choosing to leave them at that and leave.
What to do if we have character incompatibility? Councils
If there is an incompatibility of characters and interests in the couple, we give you some tips that will help you improve this problem.
What to do when you’re not compatible with your partner?
- Get to know your partner’s character well. This way you won’t attack it from the most hostile side.
- Let them express what they feel. Everyone should have that space to speak and express themselves.
- Ask what you didn’t understand again to clarify anything.
- Work on good communication.
- Know how to say things in a good way with an attitude of respect.
- When you have arguments, listen to each other to resolve it and not keep fighting.
- Be fully disposed.
There are incompatible couples who love each other, so these tips can be of great help to them. It’s all about bending your ego, and putting your attention on the relationship.
Remember that if someone doesn’t want to listen to you, don’t do their part. It will be best to leave that relationship.