Both men and women go through a process of loving grief after a breakup, however we both differ in the way we do it. Have you ever wondered how men act after ending a relationship, and especially what they think of women who overcome them? Learn it here.

How do men overcome a breakup?
Believe it or not, men also suffer when they end a relationship. Especially if this was significant, but since you have the stereotype that men overcome faster than women, it is difficult to imagine what grief will be like for them. Would the comfort to ease the pain of a breakup be any different? Or it turns out that we both suffer in the same way.
- They watch a lot of adult content: We have all seen this type of content at some time in our lives. However, it is proven that men at the end of a relationship significantly increase the consumption of adult content.
- They harass their exes through the networks: Most men develop a need to know what their ex does at all times, how and with whom he does it. It is a necessity to know that they are not yet completely separated.
- They think again and again about how it all ended: Yes, they also relive the last moments over and over again. They try to analyze their latest conversations, messages, calls, or fights.
- They brag about their social life: A characteristic feature of men is that they act as if nothing had happened. His social networks are filled with photos with many friends, to show that he is very well despite the breakup, although it is not true.
- They listen to a lot of sad music: Something else in which they resemble women, is that they love to feel the pain of the breakup. It’s an important part of anyone’s grief.
- Looking for a replacement: A very childish attitude, but it is the most common way for men to fill that void until they overcome it. This type of rebound relationship doesn’t usually last long.
- They flirt and look for girls everywhere: The wounded ego that they have left after a breakup they try to fill it by flirting and having fleeting relationships with other girls, without ever having to come to anything.
- Get in better shape: Another point in which they resemble women, they love to improve their physical shape to feel better about themselves and also show their ex-girlfriend “what was lost”.
Do men suffer more than women after a breakup?
We have seen hundreds of movies, series, stories and books that claim that women are the ones who suffer the most and it takes time to recover after a breakup. However, in the real world, psychologists claimed that after a breakup it is men who take the worst moments. And they have proposed several reasons that you would be interested in knowing:
- They are less communicative than women: Something that helps greatly is relief through dialogue with either friends or family. To the extent that women love to talk and talk to their best friends to cry and drain the pain, men prefer to keep quiet and suffer alone in their rooms.
- They do not accept that they leave them for themselves: This means that a man accepts more quickly that women leave them for someone else, than that they leave them because they simply do not want them.
- Men are more comfortable having a partner than women: A man will always need a woman to be with, and studies claim that his health improves whenever they are matched.
Who overcomes a breakup faster, men or women?
Therefore, after a breakup, most men will be left hoping that their girl will return to their arms soon. And if they notice that it has already overcome it, they plunge into a sea of despair. Many act badly, and others much more maturely.
For a woman to quickly surpass him and no longer seek them out is a terrible blow to his ego. So, it will take them a long time to recover, and to be the same as before.