I like my ex’s brother! You should know that this is a very common situation. So, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed or bad about it. However, we understand that it is a somewhat complicated situation. Therefore, we will leave you the best tips and advice so that you know how to deal with this situation.

How do I know if I’m falling in love with my ex-partner’s brother?
When breaking up with a relationship, it is normal for us to feel sad. And in most cases, we seek attention and comfort in someone else. Put your pride aside!
Is it bad that I like my ex’s brother? There are situations where that person who is there for you, turns out to be the brother of your ex. And especially when they already maintained a good friendship before the breakup of the relationship.
Therefore, it is normal to generate certain types of feelings towards the siblings of exes or even their best friends. However, it will be necessary to know how to identify if the feeling is real, or if it is only an emotion caused by the old breakup.
On the other hand, something that can confuse a lot is the fact that we think I fell in love with my boyfriend’s brother because of different signs that he may or may not have given us. Like the following:
- He constantly invites you out.
- He is looking out for you.
- He writes or calls you very often.
- He cares about your needs.
- He may even give you presents.
- He visits you very often.
Of course, you should be aware of all those risqué signals that could do. Which would show that she loves you as more than a friend.
- It’s getting too close.
- He has tried to hold your hand.
- He loves to have you around and hug you.
If these three points come up too often, you may need to prepare yourself to realize that your ex’s brother is falling in love with you. He may even try to steal a kiss at any moment.
What to do if my ex’s brother asks me out?
When these cases happen, it will be better to assess the situation. So, you can get an idea of whether it would be ideal to do so. Mainly, questioning you about certain things like:
- How did the relationship with your ex-end?
- Do you still have contact with him?
- How is the relationship with your family and if they would take it well?
- Is it really worth dating my ex’s brother?
- Depending on what you answer in these questions, you can make a favorable decision. For example, if the relationship with your ex ended in a good plan, you can tell him that his brother invited him out to see if he does not think it is bad.
- On the contrary, if the relationship with your ex ended in a bad plan, you should question whether you wanted to date his brother since they would meet very often. And it won’t be a very comfortable time. Although if you really want to go out with him, do it,
Is it bad that I like my ex’s brother?
- You may be wondering what people would think if I am the girlfriend of my ex’s brother? Well, the answer to that question is simple. Don’t pay attention to what other people say.
Of course, you must be very sure of your feelings. Because it will not be fair at all that you go out with your ex’s brother, just on a whim or for revenge. Don’t do it! So, hanging out with your ex’s brother isn’t bad. It’s bad to do it when the feelings aren’t true. Keep that in mind! Because love has no borders, and nothing to stop it.
So, if you’re really having strong feelings for your ex’s brother, and you want to try to have a relationship with him, do it. Although it would be advisable for them to talk to their closest friends first.
Yes, it’s not a thing to die for or make a fuss about. But at first, it may be strange or somewhat uncomfortable to date your ex’s brother, but once time passes, everything will be normal. So don’t say no to your feelings! And try that new, unconventional relationship with your former brother-in-law.