When it comes to family relationships, situations sometimes get a little out of control. Especially, when it happens that we like or are attracted to a family member.

It is not something out of the ordinary when at a family reunion we see again a cousin that we had not seen for a long time, and he arrows us completely. It’s almost impossible to avoid! But how to react to this situation? Here’s how.
How do I tell my cousin I like him
Falling in love with a cousin is not an otherworldly situation, as it has happened to many of us. That’s why you don’t need to be embarrassed or feel bad about it.
Despite this, you cannot let go of that feeling of guilt or that you are doing something wrong. Just think about what relationships were like many years ago and you’ll miss it! That way you won’t keep thinking it’s bad to fall in love with a cousin.
So, if you have really decided to tell your cousin about your feelings, you should first be attentive to these points.
- Know if he feels the same attraction for you.
- They are confident enough to say so.
- Your cousin is much older than you.
Depending on what the answers to these three points are, the task of confessing your love to a cousin may be a little easier. In the first case, the situation will be a little simpler since the attraction that will exist between the two will make everything flow on its own. Maybe you can try certain hints to see how he reacts.
Another case, such as not having full trust, can also make it difficult to confess your love to a cousin. Since you do not know how he will react, or what he will be able to say.
In the latter, age is very important because this will determine whether or not you will succeed. If she is very old, she will most likely only see you as a little sister. And fail in the attempt.
How do I know if my cousin is in love with me?
If you say I’m in love with my cousin and you think of a way to know if he also likes you, follow these tricks. You must be aware that your cousin is a boy like any other. So, you should pick up the signals it gives you:
- Always seek to get your attention or it is always with you.
- You notice him flirting at times.
- Seek to be alone with you.
- He is especially interested in you.
- Seek to always be close to you and do not stop hugging or touching you.
- You manage to get their attention with your feminine charm.
These are clear signs that your cousin is attracted to you. However, it is not too many turns to the head since it is best to wait for the right moment to confess what you feel.
How can I do if I like my cousin?
Many girls find themselves in the controversy of love between cousins. And besides, many think it’s a bad thing. When the truth is that for hundreds of years, families have had a history of interfamily relationships. So don’t worry about that. Although we recommend that first of all, talk to your parents about it.
Especially if you have confidence with your parents, they can help you resolve the situation. You should know that they will support you in everything. Because it is better to be given good advice, than then you take a trick for an unrequited love.
So, what happens to you fall in love with your cousin? One of the two most typical things can happen. Either they live a movie love story, or there will be broken hearts.
Since a relationship between cousins, especially when they are distant cousins, is as normal as having a relationship with anyone else. So, assess the situation!
Think about how you want to do things, and if you have the support of your parents, and feel that your child could reciprocate, go and confess your love as soon as possible.