The best way to make a relationship last is to keep the flame of love alive no matter how long you’ve been together. Many make the mistake of abandoning efforts to renew the relationship, especially when they already have a long time of marriage. But if this is not your case, you can follow these tips to revive the passion in marriage that we bring to you.

Remember that doing things to muddle through does not always give good results, so if you want to act from love we assure you that these tips will be magnificent to not only make your partner happy but also you, which is important since happiness has to involve both of you.
How to have a happy marriage? Bases and keys to a happy marriage
Everyone has their own formula to be happy in their own world. However, when someone else integrates into that world, everything changes drastically. It is no longer about making ourselves happy, but maintaining a balance in which both parties in the relationship are happy.
Love in marriage is extremely important as is sex. And the truth is that if either of you fails, the marriage sooner or later will too. In the case of sex, it turns out to be an essential need of all human beings, and when we are in a couple, it is the most intimate form of communication that exists. When there is love, sexual encounters become much more meaningful, and emotions are felt on the surface.
One of the characteristics of a happy marriage is that both men and women feel full of desire for each other. They are in complete harmony, and when this fusion occurs, an extraordinary relationship is achieved. Where games, trust, intimacy, innovation, respect, love and fun are present.
When a couple strives to maintain each of these points, they are assured of a genuine and lasting relationship for a very long time. It is a very good way to give a correct example to the children of what a healthy relationship is!
What to do to have a stable and lasting marriage?
So, what to do to make a marriage work? It is known that no marriage is perfect, there will always be quarrels, arguments and discord. However, it is in these cases when true love has to be shown. The angrier we are with our partner, the more we should remember the love we feel for them.
It is crucial that we do not get carried away by the anger we feel, and get to say something that can be truly cruel. This is where respect should rest. You can walk away for a moment to calm down and then when the anger is less, speak calmly and come to a conclusion.
You should never disrespect or reach violence! Since verbal or physical aggression in marriage, is an incredible way to sign the death certificate of the same. There can be no healthy relationship when these kinds of situations occur. Therefore, think correctly and calm down before something comes out of your lips that you can regret.
So, we establish that the fundamental foundations for a happy marriage is that they respect each other, have full trust in each other, and always look for ways to renew the relationship.
What to do when the couple is in crisis?
You may be wondering how to revive passion in marriage? Well, first you must realize the pattern of behaviors that you and your partner have had. Have you been fighting too much lately?
Probably the lawsuits and discord they go through is not the fault of either of them, because when there is too much work, economic or family stress, couples usually forget their emotional ties and let the flame of love subside. So, the main thing they should do is not let anything affect their love bond.
No matter how stressed you feel, don’t let things outside you damage your relationship. External influences are often harmful to couples. They don’t bring anything good, and they’re adept at breaking relationships. So, if you feel like you and your partner are going through a crisis, it’s time to focus only on your relationship.
Take some time to be alone. Remember all those beautiful moments that have passed, remember why you fell in love in the first place, and go back to doing all the things you used to do.
The best ways to keep the spark of passion from going out
Keeping the spark of passion burning within a relationship isn’t hard work, you just need a little imagination and some time. It is also necessary to organize this time since many times the fatigue of the couple can collide with the desire you have to do something new and discouragement arrives, so it is better to try to make the time right.
On the other hand, the spark of passion can be kept burning with small details and daily changes that show love, which is fundamental in any relationship.
Improve communication
Communication is a key element that helps any relationship, whether work, family, friendship and in the relationship even more. Knowing how to communicate correctly will help the other person know us better and avoid long-term inconveniences.
When we talk about communication, we do not refer to trivial issues, communication in the couple must be deep, dominate issues that affect both, express something that bothers or bothers them at the right time, talk about plans and dreams, fantasies and desires, etc.
So that the spark of passion does not go out, communication can be used as follows:
- Saying compliments and compliments.
- Showing interest during the day through a call or message.
- Leaving a message full of passion.
- Talking about dreams, plans and desires together.
- Manifesting love through words.
Celebrate achievements and provide support in difficult times
Having someone you can hug when you feel a lot of happiness or having the admiration of your partner when you get an achievement, no matter how small, is important and wonderful. It is also to have a shoulder to cry and rest when everything becomes difficult and the vision is clouded with pain.
That’s why being supportive and complicit at all times is very important and helps keep the spark of passion burning. There is nothing that can go against the admiration, respect, interest and support that a couple can have for each other.
- When your partner gets an achievement that is important to her celebrate it with affection, words of admiration (I knew you would achieve it, you are amazing, I admire you), if you want you can prepare a special dinner, a photo on social networks, etc.
- When you are the one who gets an achievement, share it first with your partner, talk to him about how happy you feel and let him know that he was the first person you thought of when you made it.
- In a moment of difficulty provides support in silence or with words of encouragement and without judgment, this is important because in the midst of problems the least a person wants to receive is judgment as it generates frustration.
- If you are the one who is going through a difficult time, count as a first option with your partner, that she knows that it is your refuge. This will create an affective bond that will form them as a team, knowing that they are for each other.
Enjoy sex and vary it
Sex within a relationship is very important, so much so that there are those who say it corresponds to 70% of it. That is why having good communication within intimacy and always being open to desire will help the spark of passion not to go out.
Among the things you can do within sex are:
- Talk about fantasies: Manifesting sexual fantasies is always good because it helps to free yourself and to put together a team of complicity where both can enjoy. Maybe many of the fantasies will never be fulfilled but just imagining that yes, will make sex an adventure
- Surprise you with a different morning: Many men like to be awakened with a sex game and many women also share this passion, if you and your partner are one of these surely these surprises will be charming for both of you.
- Talk when you feel exhausted: There are always times when sex does not feel like due to fatigue, at this time you can enjoy previous games and then roll up in love without having to arrive intercourse and while that happens you can manifest your desire to want to rest, we assure you that your partner will not feel rejected.
- Planning new places: It may not be a fantasy or something you want at first, but changing places for sexual encounters can be a lot of fun as well as providing an experience to remember.
How to Keep Love Alive at a Distance
Having a distance relationship is a challenge for the couple, it tests the fidelity of each one, patience, desire and is a filter that tests the relationship and being overcome positively makes it really strong for many years.
Much is said about distance relationships and among what is spoken negative comments abound, however when the couple is really committed to the relationship all things will be positive and if something negative appears, with love it will help good.
To keep love alive at a distance requires imagination, desire, time and patience. There are always moments of nostalgia, pain, but until these moments they keep the relationship alive if they are handled in the right way.
Things you can do to keep long-distance love alive include:
- Fill yourself with patience to be able to understand your partner when they do not have time to talk.
- Try to be present at various times of the day.
- Plan schedules to see each other via web and do not miss these appointments.
- Saying goodbye every night and greeting each other every morning with emotion and if you are not excited and are upset for some reason, even in the midst of annoyance greeting or saying goodbye is a nice gesture that generates love.
Plan meetings by private video call and risqué to keep the sexual area active.
What is necessary to ignite the flame of love once again?
All it takes to ignite the flame of love once again is desire and dedication. However, keep in mind that if the relationship is going through constant problems, it is best to solve such problems and then dedicate yourself to lighting the flame again.
Trying to do acts to ignite passion without solving the problems will only be cold wipes that in the long run will not give good results; This is why talking and fixing the inconveniences is also a way to express interest in the couple and will be the first step to reconciliation and the growth of the flame of passion.
Can I use phrases to revive the flame of love? -Which?
Love has 5 ways of manifesting itself and one of them is through words. If your partner likes to receive manifestations of love through words then phrases will be a good ally to revive the flame.
If you wonder which phrases are indicated because that will depend on how your partner is and what are the things he likes, you can give yourself the task of looking for poems on the internet and fill yourself with the best phrases that will surely make your partner fall in love again.
Best tips to keep love alive between couples
Keeping love alive between couples can be achieved fully if you have enough desire, because love never stops being and the desire for passion to be maintained will lead you and your partner to experience new emotions that will reinforce love.
Give importance to the sexual and emotional part
This is fundamental, both sex and emotions have a marked importance within the relationship and being able to combine them gives a perfect result when it comes to keeping love alive.
Intimacy may not be loaded with much love during the act, but in the following minutes nurturing the emotional area through a hug, caresses or simply close contact will give both a refuge where the energies of love will unite and in this way the relationship will be strengthened.
Motivate the other partner to keep going
Sometimes in the relationship one of the two feels a tiredness and apathy in their plans and dreams and that is where the support of the other person is most needed, to fill with strength, to encourage and be an engine of support.
Relationships are almost never composed of 50% and 50% but this percentage varies depending on who needs it, there will be times when they will be 30% and 70% or vice versa. That is why motivation will always help.
Spend more time on the relationship
Anything that is undertaken in life needs time and dedication to bear pleasant fruits and loving relationships and the couple is no exception. Spending time with your beloved or beloved watching television can foster love.
Try to provide quality time and over time you will see the good fruits you will reap from your relationship.
Being more expressive on a sentimental level and forgetting resentment
At this point we return to the fact that communication is fundamental. We often expect our partner to guess or draw conclusions about what we want and this is not good because frustration is reached for no reason.
Respect the silence of the other and give the space when you need it
Many say that we were all born and die alone, but during life we always desperately seek someone’s company. This in its proper measure is good, however, there are limits that have to be respected and understand that every person needs moments of solitude.
If you cannot be alone then you cannot demand that your partner think alike because the truth is that being alone is useful for everyone and if you do not know how to do it is something you should practice because if not, you will be attached to anyone who will eventually leave, causing you a pain.
When a relationship begins, it is best not to leave our individuality and less to expect the other person to leave it for the relationship, in the long term this type of attitudes and dependencies does not bring anything good.
Perform activities together and leave the routine
Although almost no one thinks the same, the routine is good, to some extent, of course. It is good because it allows us to have control of time and what is done with it. The problem arises when we immerse ourselves so much in it that we walk and act by inertia.
Breaking the routine helps the oxygenation of the relationship and encourages them to do new things that will fill them with life, apart from that they can discover things together which is summarized in stories to tell in the future.
Show what you like and don’t like
Show what you like and what you do not like, we are changing beings and we are constantly evolving, so it is normal that what we liked months ago, today we do not like so much.
That is why it is important to know how to communicate this type of thing to the couple since we provide knowledge and avoid long-term problems due to ignorance.