It is common for us to have doubts about the fidelity or sincerity of our partner at the beginning of the relationship. Since trust is gained little by little, and is built as the relationship progresses. If you and your partner are at a time like this, and you want to build trust between you, you’ve come to the right place!

How to build trust as a couple?
Insincerity is one of the main reasons why trust between couples is affected. And it is the first step to take to improve it, to be 100% sincere at all times. Building trust is a matter of everyday life. It’s not about being honest day in and day out, because we would be making things worse.
On the other hand, trust and respect in the couple go in the same package. Because you can’t expect to gain someone’s trust if you don’t respect their decisions, desires, or opinions. The best thing will be to integrate little by little, and unite more and more as a team than as individuals.
Visualize your partner as someone primary. Someone who will be there no matter what. In this way, your feelings towards him are synchronized in the same frequency. And therefore, thanks to the actions they develop (Being aware of their needs, supporting each other, providing comfort, knowing how to listen and communicate) trust is growing more and more.
One of the biggest fears of couples: The cell phone. Many see this electronic device as the perfect weapon for deception. Full of keys and encodings that hide everything inside you. This is a critical point in every couple, because it is not about invading your privacy when checking your phone, but trusting that you have nothing to hide.
And how is this achieved? Proving it. For example, someone who has nothing to hide on the phone will have no qualms about lending you their phone and telling you the key. Or also, when a text message or a call arrives, at any time it can tell you to answer the cell phone yourself.
Trust is earned with the smallest actions. And in the same way, we have to take that leap of faith, and trust that everything is going according to plan.
How to regain confidence in yourself or your partner
Otherwise, something has already happened that has fractured the trust between the two, it will be a little more difficult to recover it. But, if it wasn’t direct infidelity, they can work together to improve trust and regain faith in their relationship.
- Be honest all the time: You can’t keep telling lies or keep hiding things if you want to heal your relationship. Take the first step yourself and wait to see how your partner reacts.
- Leave jealousy aside: Do not allow what happened above to continue damaging the relationship. And although it seems impossible, you must give your vote of confidence again and avoid being filled with sick jealousy that will only make the situation worse.
- Show that you have nothing to hide: Remember that it’s the little things that matter. So, forget about hiding conversations, sneaking around to answer a call, or reading a message. Try to integrate each other into your individual groups of friends.
- Maintain constant honest communication: It is not time to save anything, neither the discomforts, nor the thoughts, nor the desires. To improve every aspect of the relationship, they will have to rely on meditation and communication.
Trust exercises to improve the relationship as a couple
Psychology has helped many couples with exercises to improve and strengthen trust between them. Therefore, you and your partner can rely on the following:
- Make his words reflect your actions.
- Learn to ask for forgiveness.
- Remember each of your past experiences and remember why you fell in love in the first place.
- Maintain direct eye contact whenever you have a candid conversation.
- Do more new activities together. Explore the world!
- Ask each other what you can do to build trust in each other.