If you are wondering how to conquer a serious and intelligent man, how to like someone older? And how to conquer a mature man? You’ve come to the right place. Below, we have prepared a super complete guide with everything you need to know about it. Take note of all these techniques and 100% effective tips to fall in love with a man over 50 years of age in an easy and fast way.

How to date a man older than me?
If you want to conquer and fall in love with an older man, what you should do is get to know him and study his tastes and preferences. You should find out if you currently have a partner or children, who your previous partners were, what your current routine is, and who your friends are.
Based on this information that you manage to collect about that older man, you can discover how to fall in love with an intelligent man. You will be able to discern if he is looking for a more mature relationship, regardless of the two without so much purcharge in the other or toxic, manipulative or childish attitudes.
So, you may also be interested in the opposite, in a couple that dominates you and occupies all your time. That makes you recover the passion and adrenaline through mischief and childish things.
Everything is based on what you manage to discover about him, what he likes and what he dislikes. In this way you can act intelligently and manage to date a man older than you.
Is it normal for me to like older men?
It is normal that you like older men, since this brings certain advantages of dating an older man. In general, older men are more mature and serious than men of your own age, however, that is not the only reason.
Unlike the above, older men tend to be more financially and emotionally stable. In this way they have a defined life project with precise goals, in this way when you go out with an older man you will know what to expect and have the confidence that there is a future.
On the other hand, older men have much more experience, both sexually so that you can experience new things in bed and sentimentally. Therefore, when a problem or conflict arises between the two, it is very likely that he knows how to overcome it successfully based on his past experiences.
That way if you want to know how to fall in love with a conservative man, the important thing is to act in a mature way just like him. If you are independent and determined you will be able to attract any older, conservative, intelligent and serious man.
Also, you must show interest towards him, that he feels loved and valued but without overloading him. Don’t show immature or childish attitudes, or create a lot of trouble through tantrums or jealous scenes. Since this is the main thing that displeases and scares away older men.
Steps to make a man fall in love
Now, let’s go to what interests us, how to conquer and fall in love with a man older than me? Let’s see what are the attitudes that fall in love with a man much more mature than you.
Catches their attention
The first thing is to show self-confidence, a confident and determined woman is the most attractive thing for an older man. Later you must prove two things, that you are totally independent and do not depend on anything or anyone.
As well as you should also show that you are sexy and interesting, since older men mostly seek to get out of the monotony. Therefore, you must offer something daring that manages to interest them, in this way you will achieve how to fall in love with an analytical man.
You have to get their attention, through questions about their life or through light physical contacts. There are different ways to conquer a mature man.
One way to get their attention is to ignore the age difference between the two of you. If you do, you’ll only make them feel old and want to get away from you.
Take the initiative
A man over 40 or 50 is tired of saying what he wants or expects others to do. That is why, if you want to conquer and fall in love with a man older than you, then take the lead.
In this way, you will be his quiet and safe place, where he can rest from the world and stop giving orders. Call, search, plan an appointment, encourage yourself to take the initiative.
Reinvent yourself
Leave behind all your prejudices, dare to conquer and fall in love with an older man. You’re no longer sitting around waiting for your ex to send you signals to do whatever he wants with you. In the same way that you are attracted to mature men, there are those who love younger women.
If this is the first time you are going to be with a bigger man, then you will live a new experience. Following the previous point, go for yours and do not hesitate.
Your attitude is everything
Don’t try to compete with other women by trying to have the best body. Eye, maintaining a good image and a pleasant physical appearance is important to attract attention. However, if what you want is to conquer and fall in love with an older man, then what really matters is the attitude.
We are all beautiful, unique and unrepeatable women. Your strong point should be good energy and a good attitude to face life. Be confident and bet on attitude.
Show your funny side
Following the previous point, a bit, showing your funny side represents 90% of the chances of conquering and falling in love with an older man. After the age of 50, he is no longer interested in prejudices, formalities or appearances.
Regardless of the age of the guy you want to have a relationship with, never roll up with someone who wants to always see you serious and starchy. Life should be joys and not that you have to be forced to look like a robot.
Don’t be immature
Many confuse the fact that a mature man likes young women with infantilism. One thing, it has nothing to do with the other and if you really want to conquer and fall in love with an older man you must show him that you are up to the situation.
Show him that you are a strong, independent woman and not a fortune hunter who just wants to take advantage of him.
Take care of your manners and appearance
Whatever relationship you are in (friends, partners, family, etc.) You must take care of your manners and your appearance. Remember that this is the first impression others have of you.
If you don’t want a mature man to see you as a girl, then you must be an autonomous and independent woman. You should not depend economically or sentimentally on your partner.
To drive a mature man crazy, you need to take care of your appearance. You can dress sexy, but without reaching the vulgar, so say goodbye to very low-cut blouses or skirts that are too short. In addition, you must take into account the age difference. If you dress very young, you will make the age difference more noticeable and perhaps he does not like this.
Another important aspect to keep in mind is to take care of your manners. Remember to show him that you are a mature person who can be perfectly with someone older. The tantrums you should put aside, because it will only make you want to run.
Finally, another aspect to keep in mind and that has to do with good manners is to avoid entering into a power struggle. This only ends up becoming something negative and damages any relationship. As the name implies, a couple should be even and equitable. Both you and he have things to contribute to the relationship and neither should have power over the other.
Show them that you’re smart and interesting too.
At this point, a man over 40 years old has already had a long experience and has gone through different relationships. He is no longer interested in good corners, but someone who can be his partner.
Therefore, if you want to conquer and fall in love with him, you must be a smart and interesting woman. Believe me, with the light off, you won’t see your drooping pompous.
It is more than certain that they have some topics in common, so investigate it in a subtle way and have prepared a topic of conversation. In this way, you can achieve a first approach when you see it again. It can be a hobby, some work situation, etc.
Leave it wanting you
If he has already shown you some kind of interest, then be direct, honest and blunt. With this we do not mean to tell you to end up in bed on the first date. When there is already some confidence, you can establish physical contact, such as a subtle touch of hands or a chaste kiss on the cheek.
Contrary to what many think, mature men do not seek to go to bed immediately. Generally, they give more priority to other things. As a consequence, it is best to advance slowly and innocently, you can leave it wanting you.
However, mature men are more open to intimate issues. Therefore, if there is mutual attraction, it may happen that during the first date there are hints about it.
The important thing is that you both feel comfortable and ready to get intimate. Neither should put pressure on the other. If, for example, you refuse and respond with a phrase like “I thought you were a woman and not a girl” it is best to consider if it is the right person.
Respect their past and accept their differences
Respecting your past and accepting your differences is key if you want to conquer and fall in love with an older man. You must always keep in mind that he has lived more experiences and a story behind that you must respect.
If the man you are interested in is over 30 years old, chances are that he already has children and some other important relationship. When she tells you about her ex-partner or her children, be interested and ask them questions, but without obsessing about telling you all their life the first time or insisting too much.
In this way, you will get two things: first, that it is more open and the confidence in you grows; Second, you show maturity and he will feel accepted.
Regarding differences, they are always going to exist, whether you’re in a relationship with someone your own age or not. Some may be mild and others not so mild. If you want to conquer and fall in love with an older man you should keep in mind that due to the age difference there may be some different ways of thinking or living.
The key is to be tolerant and accept his differences the same way you would like him to do with you.
Give it your space
Most likely, a mature man does not have much free time, because he must divide it between his work, his children and others. Be patient and respect your space. Understand that you can have a busy life and don’t have much free time to devote to yourself.
In addition, give them their space and allow them to express what they feel. Listen to everything he has to say, for you would like him to do it.
It is said that men are quiet and perhaps it is for the simple fact that we are not giving them their space. So, if you want to conquer and fall in love with an older man, listen to him and be aware of what he needs.
Remove jealousy
At all costs, try to look childish and remove jealousy at all costs. Yes, before we told you to show your funny side, but it has nothing to do with being childish, even if he finds young women attractive.
Excessive jealousy, tantrums, positive attitudes or exaggerated dramas are not at all. A mature man has surely already gone through these situations in his past and will not want to repeat them again. Also, these attitudes are not good for any kind of relationship.
This is as far as we come with this super complete guide on how to conquer and fall in love with an older man. We hope that these tips have been useful to you and that you can put into practice everything we have taught you.
We invite you to share your experience below in the comment box and tell us how you managed to steal the heart of a mature man.