Throughout life most women have encountered this unknown: Do I like women? Because the truth is that whatever the reason, at some point we are attracted to a woman.

So, does this mean we are bisexual or lesbian? Did I fall in love with the wrong person? Here we will give you some tips to get you out of that doubt.
How do I know if I like women?
Beyond asking yourself questions about whether you really like a person, regardless of your gender. You should ask yourself, “What do you really feel?”
How do I know if I like women? Start by letting go of the fear of what they will say. Since most of the time, we miss a crush or a love for fear of being judged.
So, to solve the I think I like women and I am a woman you can ask yourself these questions:
- Have you had sexual fantasies with women?
- Do you feel like you could be in a relationship with a woman?
- Would you like to kiss another woman?
- Have you had lesbian experiences in the past?
- How do you feel when you’re with that woman you’re attracted to?
- Do you feel the same way about men?
So, evaluate each of your answers and compare all the feelings you have had when you are with that special woman, when you are with a man. Starting from there, and taking into account all the emotions you can feel, you will know if you are bisexual or lesbian.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with being bisexual or lesbian, so don’t be afraid to be judged by anyone. Since only you have the right to decide on your own life.
How can I conquer another woman
Conquering another woman as a woman can be the simplest thing in the world. Since it is more a matter of chemistry, friendship and love. However, it is not so easy when you have doubts.
Therefore, the first step to conquer a woman if you are a woman will be to be centered and know what you really like. In case the attraction to that girl is too strong, you can decide to take the first step.
Entering into a relationship with another woman is the ideal way to know if I like girls, since you will live the experience firsthand. Because it’s worth mentioning that whether or not you’ve fantasized sexually about a woman doesn’t make you a lesbian.
That could only be evidence that you are sexually open and like to explore and experiment with your body. And lesbianism, it is a combination of all the factors that go into a relationship.
- True infatuation.
- Erotic physical attraction.
- Romantic attraction.
- Affective desire.
- Feeling of protection.
So, if you really want to experience that lesbian side that you carry inside to put the cards on the table well, try a relationship. You must be honest and clear with the girl. Because if it is not what you expected, you will break many hearts.
So, the first step you must take to conquer a woman will be living with her. Little by little, if there really is a loving sexual bond, feelings and true intentions will be revealed.
Am I lesbian or bisexual?
Then, once you have decided to experiment in a relationship with another woman, the time has come when you must think for yourself and act. Are you lesbian or bisexual?
At this point, your mind and person should have already left behind that inner fear of being judged or singled out. Since you should always put your happiness above everything. No matter what other people’s opinions, whoever they are.
Therefore, if you feel comfortable, comfortable and happy in a relationship with a woman you can be sure that you are homosexual. However, if you still feel those feelings you can feel for a man too, you can be bisexual.
There is nothing wrong with both, but to avoid breaking hearts and living in conflict it will be better to organize your own ideas and feelings, before entering a relationship.