If you want to know how to fall in love with a man who does not like you or how to get a boyfriend if I am ugly, or even something as simple as liking a guy. You just have to have patience and improve your self-esteem; in this way you will achieve great results.

Next, we will share a series of ideas and tips that you can put into practice to make a man fall madly in love. Even if the guy you like and want to notice you has passed from you. Take note of all these ideas, follow our guidance and you will get it easily.
How to seduce a man with words?
There are ways to seduce a man with words without him noticing. To do this, we must choose the right words, do it subtly and patiently. As outer beauty is not our strength or we are too shy, then we must use other tools to fall in love with that boy we like.
Yes, it is true that most men prioritize the visual sense a lot. But what’s the point of being just attractive? Well, you will soon realize that it is just that you look beautiful and if you have nothing more interesting to offer, it will quickly pass from you.
One of the ways would be to use the most powerful tool of all these times: the internet. Today, most communications are made through social networks. Get your phone number, or your profile name from Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, etc,
Then, start talking to your guy by chat and write him on WhatsApp and with tender words and you will manage to conquer him. You have to communicate with him frequently, try to show interest constantly, but without exaggerating.
Try to ask questions about his life with open questions, this way he will know that you are interested in him but not that you want to know his whole private life.
He also talks about interesting things, things that bring them closer and have in common. Another recommendation is not to declare your feelings right away, you can try to keep some distance to give yourself to desire and cause greater interest on your part.
Often, many women tend to make the same mistakes over and over again. If you want to conquer your guy with words alone then follow these tips. Do not forget to skip any step, because you will end up spoiling everything.
Surely you will wonder how to get a boyfriend if I ignore the guy I like. Feigning indifference is a trick that works perfectly when you want to make someone fall in love. Therefore, the first thing you should do when talking to him is to touch on general topics and avoid more personal topics.
Remember to make him curious about you. If he realizes right away that you are dead of love for him, approaching to conquer him will be much more difficult, because he will only make a “shield” and move away.
It can also happen that he feels that he is extremely important to you and that he will have you eating from the palm of his hand. Therefore, he will not pay too much attention to you, because he will know that he can ignore you continuously and you will be aware of him.
If you want to know how to get a boyfriend, another secret is that at first it is better not to show your feelings or externalize them in front of your guy. Eye, shows some interest flirting from time to time. Most men are afraid of commitment and becoming romantically involved in a stable relationship, because they will believe that they will lose their precious freedom and manhood.
Talk about commitment?
Just as it is not advisable to show your feelings at first, it is also not good to talk about commitment or you will make them panic and run away. Yes, sometimes it is complicated, especially when what we want is a serious relationship.
Avoid making comments like you’d like to get married, start a family, have a house, four kids, two dogs, or family dinners. Nor is it that she believes that you are an easy girl or that she can have something temporary and free with you and then leave.
Start falling in love little by little
Once you have followed all the previous steps, you should fall in love with your guy slowly and progressively. It is likely that at this point there has let our guard down and we must attack. You can feed his ego in subtle ways by asking him for help with something from time to time.
This will make you feel stronger, braver, faster, etc. than a woman. In this way, he will want to be your prince who comes to rescue his damsel in distress. It doesn’t matter that you can open a door alone, for example, tell him that you have your hands full and to “please” do it for you.
Boost your self-esteem little by little
Do not forget to use words to conquer your boy and highlight his manly appearance or leave a good impression in front of others. For example, you can name him as an example and remember anecdotes in which he has had strength or courage to help you with something.
You can also congratulate him on his victories and recognize his achievements. Simple words like “thank you,” “congratulations on this,” or “I’m glad you made it” can be very timely.
Causal praise
To help boost their self-esteem little by little, say some compliments and casual compliments. Make sure they are not uncomfortable or feel embarrassed. To do this, say it naturally and when there is a climate of trust.
At first, you might refer to something more superficial as some piece of clothing that fits well. Then, let him know that you like his smile, his eyes or some facet of his personality.
How to make a guy fall in love if I’m ugly and shy
If you wonder how to like a guy if I’m ugly? or how do my Crush like it if it passes me? We want to answer you that it is possible, and the first step to achieve this is to have greater confidence in yourself.
The key to making a guy notice me if I’m ugly or shy is to show that guy that you’re a confident, determined woman. Do not see shyness as a defect or as a limit, because it is only a characteristic of you that should not represent you at all.
It’s important that you don’t pressure yourself to stop being shy overnight, that sure won’t happen. It is a process and you must understand it as such. Each person has their own rhythm and it is extremely important that you are faithful to yours.
If you are too introverted, the way to get a boyfriend or to fall in love with someone may be easier from friendship. Through confidence, security and high self-esteem you will achieve an important change, with which that boy you want so much will fall in love with you.
A self-confident woman with high self-esteem is one of the most attractive weapons for men, so you should take it with all the seriousness of the case. If you manage to love yourself a man will be able to perceive it and you will quickly manage to conquer it without any problem.
The first few times you want to get close to the guy you like, you can do it in the middle of a group of friends. In this way, they will not be alone and you will feel more comfortable talking without being the protagonist. Nor is it about going unnoticed or that you stay aside like a plant or a set. Stay close to them and make eye contact from time to time.
Try relaxing and being yourself, having fun and don’t complain or regret anything. The latter can make you look like a grumpy, complaining, bitter or even depressive person and we do not want this.
For a first date with your guy, it is best to look for somewhere where you feel comfortable. It may be, for example, a coffee shop that you have visited before.
When you are with your boy you can ask him some questions, without it becoming an interrogation. In this way, you will avoid having to talk too much and may even ask you some questions or ask you to answer the questions you have asked.
With this, you will get the conversation to flow naturally and little by little you will begin to feel more confident. With regard to the topics of conversation you cannot anticipate the appointment or plan them in advance, because it will be too forced. However, you can think of one or two topics of your liking to talk.
Show your shyness, because it is useless to hide this from your boy if the idea is to know himself better and sincerely. Also, if you do, your crush can help you deal with it. Enjoy your first date being yourself and don’t force yourself to be someone you’re not really yourself.
What are the best tips or advice to conquer a guy?
Many women today are shy, and wonder daily how to get a boyfriend if I am shy? And how to get a boyfriend if I’m ugly? Well, the answer to these doubts is by working on them.
The change to overcome shyness is in self-confidence, it is a gradual process that is slow but sure. You just have to have the confidence that you can do it and little by little you will notice the changes in you, where you are becoming less shy and more confident.
Among the tips we can offer you to overcome shyness and stop being shy are the following:
Know yourself first
The first thing you should do is know yourself. Take some time to be alone, away from noise or any distractions and connect with you. All women have felt insecure about something at some point in our lives. It is even something that happens in many men, it is not something only of us.
It is important that you are clear that no one is perfect or totally happy with themselves. We all have our weaknesses and our strengths. It’s only up to you to know your strengths and work on improving those that aren’t.
In our eagerness to want our boy to see us and be attractive to him, we end up being complacent with others and completely forget about ourselves.
Dedicate time to yourself, so you will learn to love yourself and discover new things about yourself, which will allow you to be more confident. Pamper yourself and learn to love yourself, because if you don’t do it, you can’t expect others to do it.
Try to exercise, maintaining a routine of physical activity will not only distract you, but will allow you to focus on yourself. So, you can see the results you achieve little by little, to feel that satisfaction that you are managing to make a change to improve yourself.
Write a journal, keep something of your own that allows you to evaluate how your growth is each day. This will give you greater confidence, also the days where you need to rest and vent you will have the diary for you.
Highlight all your inner beauty
Yes, when we tell you to highlight your inner beauty it sounds like a cliché or movie phrase, but it is true and it works. Your way of being and your personality is the way you face your life and all this can be much more attractive than perfect curves.
Every time you treat the people around you well or motivate them to continue striving to be better, you are giving them part of your inner strength and nobility. This characteristic is the one that makes a man fall in love the most.
As we told you at the beginning, yes, it is normal for men to prioritize outer beauty a lot. But this is something that only works at first, because if you do not have a good personality that accompanies your perfect body, then it will soon pass from you.
And if it is only about beauty, you have nothing more interesting to offer. Maybe in these cases they are just looking for something temporary and passionate with a pretty girl.
Have more confidence in yourself
More than ugly, what I think is that you are an insecure person so you cannot see yourself as you really are and show the best version of you. Stop giving so much importance to your fears, because they will only make you afraid to move forward and you will end up failing.
Love yourself, before proceeding to look for another person you must learn to love yourself. If you manage to truly love yourself, the shyness and insecurities will go away. And being safer without a doubt you will manage to conquer any man you propose.
Self-confidence is much sexier than any perfect curve in a man’s eyes. It is that most of the time when they see a super confident woman, they feel that they must fight to be worthy of her and fall in love with her.
Have realistic goals
Draw short and achievable projects and goals, this will allow you to be focused to achieve them and when you do you will feel much more confident. Believe it or not, this will also help you get a boyfriend.
Getting a boyfriend is more about attitude than expectations. If you want a super sexy millionaire out of a magazine to knock on your front door, you’ll be sitting on the couch waiting for a long time.
If this is your case, then it’s not that you’re an ugly or shy girl. You are only living on illusions and stories of tales. If someone asks you out, do not hesitate, but always stay calm and do not seem desperate to get a boyfriend.
Add a touch of mystery to your personality
If you create a bit of mystery to your personality you will make your guy want to know more about you. That is why you should not expose everything about yourself from the beginning. Try not to mount scenes or be aggressive, because this will make your guy run away and you cannot get a boyfriend.
It’s also not good to speak ill of someone, talk about your ex-partners, or try to flirt with your friends. The latter can generate fights between their own or simply pass from you to leave the way free to your friend.
While it is true that appearances are not the most important and that they often deceive, as you can see it shows the way in which you represent yourself and project yourself towards others. That’s why the way you look is important.
Try to look for clothes that favor you and with which you feel comfortable. Clothes should fit you and never the other way around. You can also try changing your hair or makeup. There is always something beautiful that we can highlight and surgeries are not necessary.
If you feel very unsure of yourself, you may need to resort to therapy. It will be useless to make your boy fall in love if the roots of your insecurity are very deep. A professional can help you find the reasons why you are insecure and how to work on them.
Find common activities
Po ultimo, another tip to get a boyfriend is that you use the mirror technique, because psychologically we are attracted to what is similar to us. Be disguised with this technique and do not abuse it.
You can find out about the things he likes and about his hobbies. Without obsessing, you can share these moments with your guy. With this, he will associate these moments with feeling comfortable with your company. It is important that in relationships each one has their hobbies or things in order and others that they can share together.
So far, we come with this super complete guide on how to get a boyfriend if I am shy and not attractive. Hopefully you can put into practice all the advice and tips we have given you.
We invite you to share your experience below in the comment box and tell us how you got a boyfriend being shy and how you were able to leave behind your insecurities. Now that you know how to conquer him, it’s time to get down to work and drive him crazy with love.