A relationship should always be based on respect and trust. However, many are victims of an overly aggressive or hysterical partner. These points are violated in the lawsuits they have occasionally as a couple, where one of the two has a much more aggressive personality than the other. However, these are unhealthy behaviors that gradually deteriorate the relationship. Learn how to avoid them!

Why do I get angry easily with my partner and can’t control myself?
You wonder why I suffer from fits of rage? A relationship is full of ups and downs, however when one of the two is usually more aggressive than the other, the relationship will enter into a total imbalance and the harmony between the two will gradually be extinguished. Many people often blame their partners when they ask themselves the question Why can’t I control my emotions? Because almost always, a person will never admit that he has a problem with anger.
So, the first step to recovering and healing your marriage will be to stop looking for culprits and accept the fact that you have a serious problem that you need to change. Many people suffer from fits of anger. Which meet a certain pattern that is very easy to identify.
And much more if your main problem is that, I hit my boyfriend when I get angry. This is a very serious behavior and reaction, since gender violence is a very delicate issue that must be eradicated regardless of who the aggressor is and who the victim is. These are circumstances that will only bring worse things and therefore must be eliminated and stopped immediately.
If you feel like you can’t control your anger when you’re in a fight with your boyfriend, or you feel like your boyfriend is very aggressive with you, quickly turn to a professional who can help. They must be aware that this type of situation will only bring much more violence, and in the worst case can end in a fatal event.
How to recognize a fit of anger? Consequences of anger
Fits of anger, as they are frequent in many people, bring too many consequences. Not only in the couple, but also in the children, in the work and social environment. Because obviously, an aggressive person will not be only with his partner, but with everyone around him.
Recognizing a fit of anger will be easier for people who are victims. Because almost always, the person suffering from these attacks is not aware of what he is doing. Even though this is serious psychological behavior, they should not be allowed to excuse themselves by dismissing their serious actions behind the simple fact of: I was angry. So, if you want to know if you suffer from fits of anger, check out these points.
- You don’t care about your partner’s feelings.
- You start screaming for anything.
- Judgment becomes blind and you are not able to control the things you say.
- You are always on alert and it is very difficult for you to relax.
- You feel like everyone is against you.
- Even the slightest thing bothers you.
- You think that everything that happens is to annoy you.
- You have overly exaggerated reactions to everyday situations.
If most of these points identify you, the healthiest thing for you and your partner is to go immediately to anger management therapy. Definitely nothing good comes out of violence, and if you really do not want to continue with the marital or couple crisis, you better seek help.
How do I control anger and aggression when I am with my partner?
For anger management, the best solution most of the time is to seek professional help. It is not something that can be treated simply with a conversation, because at this point, the subject becomes much more psychological. However, many professionals recommend:
- Practice meditation as a couple.
- Do cardiovascular exercises.
- Lower the amounts of family or work stress.
- Let out all the situations that bother us.
- Focus on the good side of life.
- Improve the overall health of the body.