We know that you are a unique and unconventional girl! And today, there are many of us who are determined to break stereotypes. And if you feel like you want to turn your relationship into something much more formal, you can get hold of these amazing ideas to ask your guy to marry.

How to ask a man for marriage?
If you may be wondering how women can propose marriage to a man? Most likely, you already have it in mind or want to propose it to your partner. However, you may not know how to do it, as it is not common. That is why today we are going to give you some creative ideas so you can carry it out.
Believe it or not, proposing marriage to a man turns out to be the same as proposing marriage to a woman. Obviously the first step is to be able to establish a serious and stable relationship with your guy. In addition to this there must be love involved and both must be sure of wanting to take things to the next level. To avoid future marital crises, it is best to first start living together in the same household before deciding to get married.
It begins by establishing a serious relationship, in which both plan to be together for an indefinite time and you can live together without problems to avoid future marital crises. Yes, it is normal that at first there are disagreements, especially if neither of us had lived with a couple.
Now, if one day you wake up and have decided to take the big step, the first thing you should do is find the engagement ring. Yes, as we told you at the beginning proposing marriage to a man is exactly the same procedure. Just like us, they too deserve to feel loved and loved. Therefore, do not skimp on expenses or luxuries, as it is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion.
A woman can propose marriage whenever and however she wants. In the past, men asked their future wives’ fathers for approval. Nowadays that is no longer necessary, although it is best that you have a good relationship with them, since you will soon be part of their family.
On the other hand, you can organize a surprise party where only the two of you are to propose marriage to a man. Keep in mind that, unlike women, men are usually a little skittish and afraid of commitment. In addition, if you propose it in a place where there are many people, their reaction may not be good, because they will feel pressured to say yes.
Give your best effort to surprise him! Get proposals for original marriages. You can organize a party, an outing or an event. Preferably it is something that he is passionate about or loves. And wait for the right moment!
Can women or cannot propose to a man?
Over time, classic social stereotypes have established that it is the man who must ask for the woman’s hand in marriage. Fortunately, one of the advantages of modern times is that many of these stereotypes are part of the past and have shown us that we can change all norms. Women also ask for marriage, and it is not bad for a woman to propose it to her boyfriend.
And explicitly, there was never a law or norm prohibiting women from proposing marriage to a man. Beyond what is established by society. Which is why proposals for marriages made by women are increasingly normalized.
In the same way that men should ask for a woman’s hand, we must get the best way to let our guys know that we want to take the relationship to the next level. But first you need to be sure that your partner is ready to really commit.
Some ingenious ideas for proposing to your boyfriend at home
Women not only propose marriage, but also have the most original proposals of all. Planning is important, so prepare your best dress and some thoughts of love for your partner that are short. Better if they are spontaneous and not taken from a magazine or a book.
If you have the most important moments you’ve gone through together in photos and videos, you can take a trip back in time with all these memories. In case you have them saved on your mobile you can print them.
Then, in that special place where you are going to take him to ask for marriage, you can hang them as an exhibition. Choose those that were more meaningful to both of you, such as your first trip, your first date, an anniversary, etc.
In addition to that, do not forget about music. Choose those songs that were important in your relationship. Here are some ideas on how to create your “home exhibition” and make it perfect.
Before you ask the big question, you can kneel down and show her the engagement ring. Even if they have a pet, you can train them to wear the ring to your boy. Try to place it in a basket or bag so that it arrives safe and sound at the end of the road.
Another way to propose marriage to a man is with a special breakfast. Paint or have the big question engraved on the bottom of the cup or under a plate. The idea is that the question is hidden. Prepare your breakfast with the things you like the most and take your coffee to bed. When you finish your coffee, you will be in for a big surprise.
How to ask a man for marriage by message – Is it recommended?
The use of our mobile phones is becoming more frequent. There were many who were encouraged to make a marriage proposal through a text message, video calls or voice notes.
You can write some nice phrases of love to your guy so that he enters the weather. However, it is not advisable to tell him that you want to marry him by message. This actually seems a bit cowardly, because you have the option to run away if he says no.
If they are far from each other, for example, in another city, you can go visit him and give him a surprise. Then, once you are by their side, make your marriage proposal personally.
However, if you are too shy, you can choose to write a letter or message in which you express your feeling towards your boy. But to ask the big question, you’ll need to take courage and tell them personally.
How to write a letter to ask a man for marriage
Surely, nerves can play tricks on you. So that this does not happen, you can write a song or a letter where you express all the love you have for that person. To write a letter or a perfect love song you don’t have to be Pablo Neruda or Cheesier. You just need to express your feelings from the depths of your being and be completely honest with it.
Try to mention everything that made your boy become that special person with whom you have decided to take the big step. You don’t need to be too sweet when writing your letter, as it will sound unreal. If you’re too cheesy, it will sound exaggerated and nothing real.
In the same way that we proposed you to take a trip to the past with the most important images for both of you, you can do it with messages. In a small notepad, write different messages where you tell him everything you feel about him.
Make sure that each note has a different feeling. Then hang all these notes on a clothesline and at the end of the road ask the big question.
Recommendations and original ideas to propose to your boyfriend
When it comes to surprising our loved ones, imagination is extremely important. But if you have no idea where to start to make a marriage proposal to your partner, we have these creative ideas to ask a man for marriage.
Use your favorite sport
One of the best ways to please your partner is to take them to a game of their favorite sport. Organize a very romantic afternoon and when you least expect it, ask for marriage!
It is a very organized proposal, where you may have to contact the party staff, to help you in your mission.
You can also do it by fulfilling her dream and taking the opportunity to propose to a man. To do this you must know your partner well and know what their hobbies are. For example, you can take him to ride, dive, fly, etc.
You can even give him a collectible toy that he longed for since his childhood. Take advantage of that special moment of emotion to ask the big question.
Another alternative is to take advantage of a hobby that has such as cooking, acrobatics, dancing, etc. Accompany him in his classes and when he has finally achieved his goal, ask him to marry him. It even becomes the symbol of cake dolls. Can you imagine?
Use your best friend
The dog is man’s best friend and without a doubt you can train your pet to be in charge of delivering the ring. Try to wrap the present in a box, basket or gift bag so that it does not spoil and reaches its destination.
If you do, your boyfriend won’t resist his dog’s tenderness seeing that he brings the most beautiful gift of all. It’s definitely a super creative idea.
Organize the keys on your keyboard
If you want to give him a good surprise, an original way to ask a man to marry is to organize the keys on his keyboard. By this we do not mean that you spoil theirs.
It is best to choose to draw the letters on a piece of paper and place them on top of your keyboard. If you are going to glue them, make sure that it is not too strong a glue that ends up spoiling everything.
Make a gamer proposal
Now, if your guy is a fan of video games, you can choose to use this to ask for marriage in a special way. The best part is that the world of video games offers a wide variety of ideas.
For example, you can choose to use a cosplay (costume) of your boyfriend’s favorite character. You can even organize a themed party for two.
With Super Mario Maker you can create completely customized levels. If you want to use this option you can write at the end of one of the levels the big question.
Knight Man is another game developed by Robert Fick with which you can propose to your boyfriend in a very original way. In fact, the game developer did it exclusively to propose to his wife.
Use a chest to surprise you
Another good idea to propose to a man is to use a chest or a nice box with the surprise inside. Before handing it over, prepare a beautiful evening so that the couple’s intimacy begins to flow.
Inside the chest you can keep in addition to the ring some memories you have together. Like, for example, a conch shell collected on a beach they visited, some photos, plane tickets from their first vacation, tickets for a concert, etc.
You can hide the chest with surprise in some places you visit frequently. For example, you can leave it in the seat of their car, in their t-shirt drawer, in the cabinet where they keep breakfast cereals, on their work desk, etc.
Do a treasure hunt or gymkhana
To do a treasure hunt it is best to look for a special event as an excuse. In this way you will not raise any kind of suspicion and the surprise will be even greater. It can be their birthday, an anniversary, or any other event they’ve decided to celebrate.
The first thing you should do are small notes with hints and some romantic messages. In this way, when your boyfriend finds the treasure, he will take the big surprise. You can hide the gift you bought her or just a note with the marriage proposal.
Regarding the treasure hunt can be as big or small as you want. For example, you can make messages with clues that take you to all the places where they have had dates. In this case, you will need the help of some friends or family to guard the “decoys” and the final gift.
Taking you on an unknown adventure
If your guy is a fan of adventures and enjoys outdoor activities a lot, you can organize an unknown adventure. It is not necessary that they travel to a place too far, the idea is that they visit some place they did not know and get away from the everyday.
Exploring the outdoors, and especially a place he likes can be a great idea. Prepare a nice picnic, an outing to a fair, or to a park.
If you are willing to give everything you can hire a dance crew to help you in the task of making this moment unique and striking!
Before asking the big question, you can throw some hints such as if you are already looking for the groom’s suit.
Romantic evening
The classics never fail, and for a perfect romantic evening, we suggest you choose a beautiful place. Nature is a good alternative, watching the sunset surrounded by a good landscape with good company is extremely romantic. If you really want to make your guy, feel special, take him to a day of relaxation and focus on both.
If you are pure romance and your guy is fascinated by that, you can organize a picnic, a walk on the beach or a trip to his favorite place. Privacy is special for couples, especially if your boyfriend is somewhat shy, look for privacy for that special moment.
You can also choose to take him to dinner at a restaurant of his choice. Then, at the end of the day in a romantic evening, when you can no longer stand the nerves and the desire to tell him, show him the ring.
If they are in the middle of nature, get close to their ear and ask the question whispering. Then, show him the ring you bought him to say yes.
Original gifts and ideas to ask a man to marry
As we told you at the beginning, to ask a man to marry you, you need to have a ring to give him. But you do not have to choose a ring with a stone as in the case of women. Try to make him discreet and manly.
You can also opt for some other piece of jewelry such as bracelet, cufflinks, dumbbells, a pendant or a watch, smart watch. On the other hand, if your guy is a little more fashionable you can give him a garment that is fashionable.
For those who work an office, it can be a pen with your name on it or some engraved phrase. Other options for an engagement gift can be a musical instrument, your favorite book, a collector’s item, etc.
After you have chosen the perfect gift to propose to a man, hide a note inside with the big question. Remember that there is no specific protocol you must follow.
You just have to keep in mind some important things: that it is a special and intimate moment and that the gift is liked by your boyfriend.
This is as far as we come with this super complete guide with how to propose to a man. We hope you found it useful and that you can put some of these fun ideas into practice.
We invite you to share your experience below in the comment box and tell us how you proposed to your boy. What was your favorite idea? Do you have any other way to creatively propose to a man? Let us know in the comments.