One of the biggest drawbacks in a relationship is having to deal with someone who is overzealous to the extreme of controller. Since both respect and trust must be the pillars of any relationship, and if neither of them are maintained. Soon everything will fail irretrievably, but how do you know if your partner controls you? Read the next post.

What to do if your partner is jealous, controlling, and possessive?
Being jealous is very normal. We’ve all felt jealous at some point, for the simple fact that we’re very afraid of losing that special someone. We can even feel jealous of our friends, if we feel that we are threatened with losing their valuable friendship. However, everything in excess of bad.
When your partner begins to display possessive behaviors, it’s the first warning sign. It is normal to feel a sense of ownership, however, it is very different from being possessive and controlling with the partner. You must remember that a couple is a voluntary union of two individuals, and it is not healthy nor should one of the two be allowed to want to subdue or control the other.
You constantly think, does my boyfriend want to forbid me things? because he recognizes it as the first indication of sick or pathological jealousy. It is not normal behavior, because they are a couple, not father and daughter or mother and son. And definitely, it is something that should be clarified immediately.
- Don’t let your partner forbid you things.
- Respect your personal space and privacy.
- Eliminate these behaviors as soon as they begin to appear.
- Never go with the flow just so he doesn’t get angry.
- Always emphasize that you are an independent being.
- Remember that they are a voluntary union. You can get out of there whenever you want.
- Give yourself to respect. If you give him the opportunity, he will make you as he pleases. And it can create a feeling of emotional attachment, and it is preferable to avoid that.
How to treat a jealous and possessive man? Can it change?
Don’t forbid anything to your partner! And in the same way, he cannot forbid you anything at all. A jealous and possessive man develops a pattern of behavior that can hardly change. And relationships become so difficult, it seems impossible to continue them.
Some couple crises begin with this type of behavior. Especially when there is a person who has a very low emotional stability, and pretends to cover their insecurities by trying to control or subdue the other person. There are many levels of this situation, and the most serious can generate serious attacks of violence.
Obsessive jealousy and possessiveness always go hand in hand. And they begin with small attitudes such as wanting to check the cell phone constantly, questioning yourself exhaustively about where you were and with whom, constant fights when having contact with male friends, prohibiting certain types of clothing … among others.
You can try to improve confidence, in the hope that these situations will continue to develop. However, when a man is so possessive and controlling, the reasons behind his behavior have nothing to do with the attitudes of the partner.
Already in these cases, it is more about the psychological and social problems that the man has and therefore, seeks to neutralize his insecurities by subduing his partner.
So, if you really want to give your partner a chance to change, they should rely on professional help to prescribe the best couples therapy and their relationship can improve.
Can my partner control me and forbid me to do things? How to prevent it
When a man controls you, it is a clear sign that you yourself have to change something in your personality. You can’t let anyone control the way you think or act! Since a relationship should always be based on trust, not on unhealthy jealousy that damages and kills the relationship little by little.
So, the best way to prevent it is to not let these behaviors continue to happen and stop them as soon as they begin to appear. If the relationship continues to move forward, and there does not seem to be any change in your partner, it is best to end it definitively.