We know that there are many types of love! We also know that everyone can function if everyone involved is committed to making the relationship as pleasant and true as possible. Have you heard about polyamorous relationships? You may be thinking, how is this possible? Well, yes, it is, and believe it or not, there are many polyamorous couples today, let’s understand a little how it works.

What is polyamory?
Polyamory or a polyamorous couple, is that couple that is made up of three or more people. These have a loving, affective and sexual bond. To simplify it a little more, it is a relationship like any other of two people, only instead of 2 it is 3 or more.
Today this topic is still taboo, because many people do not understand how it works. They can’t understand how a group of people can be together at the same time, isn’t that infidelity? Well, the truth is that no. A group of polyamorous people are faithful to each other.
If you import the number, three, four, five… Among them everything is allowed, but outside that core, totally prohibited. It follows the same philosophy of respect, fidelity and affection as a relationship like any other. Only this time there are more people involved.
So, you will be surprised to know that polyamorous people actually do feel a very strong emotional bond between them. They are capable of loving each other deeply, and even marrying each other. Yes, a wedding of many people! It may sound bizarre, but nowadays it is something that is seen a lot.
In addition, it is important to mention that polyamorous couples seek to reinforce affection, but not sex. This means that in a polyamorous couple of five, it is possible for everyone to be of a different sexual orientation. For example, a polyamorous relationship of four men and one woman.
Between men there is no type of sexual relationship, but their emotional ties are very strong and between them, and they consider themselves a real family. All madly in love with one woman! Does that sound fantastic?
How to practice a polyamorous relationship to make it work?
Now, do polyamorous relationships really work? Yes, this works like any other relationship, of course with small variations of context. For example:
- A polyamorous relationship must be under the consent of everyone involved: This means that if your partner tells you that he wants a polyamorous relationship and you do not agree, you do not have to accept. Because if it’s against your will, or you do it just to please your partner, it will never work.
- There must be respect above all: In polygamy it is not that there is someone who receives more affection than others, no. In a polyamorous relationship everyone is equal. Everyone is involved in everything: Decision making, exits, problems, arguments, dating, family, sex… No one can be excluded.
- They have to feel like a unit: The most important thing about this type of relationship is that everyone involved can feel at ease. It’s never healthy to force situations, so everything should be as natural as possible. Everyone should see each other as their family, their partner, or their best friends.
- Be faithful: In this case, the term fidelity also works. Because there can be sexual relations between them, but not outside the group. If any of them has a relationship on the outside, it will be considered infidelity.
Types of polyamories
Also, different types of polyamories can be identified depending on the way it develops. As long as everyone agrees:
- Hierarchical polyamory: There is a group of people who have a primary emotional bond, and a group of people apart who do not get too involved in the relationship.
- Polyfidelity: Where sexual intercourse is only allowed between them.
- Free relationship: A couple who is allowed to have sex or love with anyone else.
The truth is that no matter what type of polyamory you prefer, the important thing is that everything that happens in your intimate life is conscientious and you can live calmly and happily with it.