A lot happens in love! And especially today, each of the old taboos are becoming the normality of everyday life. In this case, it is about the peculiarity of polyamory. Can you have relationships of 3 people, or more? It is an idea that is thought impossible, but that has been with us for a long time.

What is polyamory and who invented it and how does it work? Types and consequences of polyamory
Polyamory is commonly known to be a loving, consensual relationship between three or more people. However, although it has been present in different societies for a long time, its terms or bases are still not clear to most.
Especially since they feel that it turns out to be like a certain type of infidelity, however, the main characteristic of polyamory is that it is completely of their own volition and by mutual agreement between a couple.
The concept and practice of polyamory is established especially in Arab culture. Where husbands are allowed to marry at least 5 different women at the same time.
Despite this, over time, many other cultures and societies have adapted their own ideas to their ideals. For example, the most well-known structure of a polyamorous relationship is the love triangle. Which is a trieja.
Under no circumstances should a polyamorous relationship be initiated by social pressure, imposition or simply to please the desires of the couple. It should always be by one’s own will and desire. Otherwise, it won’t work and will end in complete chaos.
It is wrong to think that a relationship of three people is to know which is the boy you like the most. But to create an affectionate and loving bond with both people.
Polyamory Rules: How to Have a Functional Polyamorous Relationship?
A polyamorous relationship is not an easy thing, and a lot of effort must be put into it to function properly. Otherwise, it will only bring chaos and discord between individuals. So, it will be ideal to follow a certain pattern, or certain rules so that everything works harmoniously.
- Trust and respect
Like a conventional two-person relationship, polyamory is also based on trust and respect. You must seek balance so that all the people involved in the relationship feel loved, loved and integrated. This is not about loving one more than the other. There must always be genuine union.
- Fidelity
How does polyamory work? Like a relationship like any other. Where the same values and the same ideas apply. Therefore, fidelity will be maintained. Both sexually and lovingly. Each of the members of the polyamorous relationship must be respected.
- Communication
You should know that there is no single form of polyamory, therefore an agreement must be reached on what type of relationship they will lead. And above all, maintain integrity in everything they do. If it is necessary to go out for an appointment, the whole group must attend, not just one member and leaving the other aside.
Polyamory and open relationship How are they different?
Many people often confuse the term polyamory with an open relationship. When in reality, they are completely different terms and situations.
Open relationships are a marriage, a courtship, or a relationship composed of two individuals. Where each of them is free to have sex, not love, with other people outside the relationship.
In these cases, third parties do not need to have any contact or relationship with the other member of the couple. Since they are considered sporadic and spontaneous encounters. In which neither feelings nor emotional attachment are involved.
On the other hand, when we talk about polyamory, we refer to a group of people who share a loving relationship together. To define it more clearly, it maintains the same foundations of a conventional two-person relationship.
- Respect.
- Trust.
- Support.
- Love.
- Fidelity.
- Communication.
- Future plans together.
Each and every one of the things that make up an established love relationship are the same bases that establish a polyamory.