Do you know what cultural hybridization is? Well, you’ve probably seen it in those couples who are of different colors, or of different nationalities or cultures. Or mixed couples, because that is where cultural hybridization is.

What is cultural hybridization?
Cultural hybridization is what happens after two people from different cultures come together. It is a concept that was established in 1990, to identify these peculiar cases of mixtures between cultures.
What is culture? Well, it is nothing more than a set of customs, languages, beliefs, traditions and habits that people of a certain place create. Therefore, cultural hybridization begins when there is a fusion between different cultures. Although similar, cultural hybridization is not the same as an unequal yoke marriage.
Specialists see this phenomenon as the simple nature of being smoked. That we constantly seek to change and adapt to the different environments we find around the world. And this kind of change has been seen in the world for many years when races began to mix in the world through colonization.
The change that this hybridization had many years ago, can be seen reflected in a positive way in nations that today share traditions and beliefs from different places and are considered multicultural nations and countries.
Open to adopt new traditions, and modify their current beliefs for the sole purpose of moving forward. Likewise, we can see the different types of cultural hybridization that exist:
Process in which the changes and influences of different cultures are reflected in the new generations thanks to their environment.
This is the most common, and it is about the change that happens when a foreign group begins to become part of a new community. This is a process of adaptation that each person must go through to ensure their correct coexistence with the environment.
This cultural hybridization was the one that was experienced in the past eras in the conquests, since there are the terms of inferior culture and superior culture. Where the lower must adapt willingly or not, to the new changes brought by the new culture established in its territory.
Tips to keep in mind if you have a mixed relationship
Many tend to think that these types of relationships can be very complicated due to the inequality of beliefs or customs. But the truth is that there are several types of couples, a mixed relationship will only be an incredible opportunity to live new experiences and learn a new culture.
- Keep love alive
Just like any other relationship in couples of different nationalities, communication should be fundamental. In this case, they should be as loving as possible so that both gradually adapt to each other’s traditions. Do not conflict, because by merging both cultures you will discover a new world.
- Give time for adaptation
The last thing they should do is force their partner to accept their traditions or customs. It is best to give everyone the necessary time to get used to the new changes. Be as considerate as you can and be patient.
- Let’s not change for anything or anyone
To ensure that a relationship functions properly, we must stay true to ourselves. A relationship is based on acceptance, knowing that they are two very different people who are together because they love each other. And since you must accept the other person as he or she is, he or she must accept you as you are.
Advantages for you and your children of having a mixed partner
Going much deeper into the family, children are highly benefited by being intercultural couples. And here we leave you the clearest reasons:
- Children are born prepared to adapt to different environments in the world.
- They have the opportunity to grow up knowing several different languages.
- They grow up being much more tolerant.
- The values of each culture are instilled and therefore you will grow to be someone much more understanding.
- It will make it easier for you to socialize and make your way with people of different nationalities and cultures.
- It will be a child or a teenager of the world.