Finding the right people will be important to secure the future of relationships. Almost always, knowing if a person is good for you, is not something that can be said right in the first moment, and that is why it is necessary that you know each other well before taking your relationship to a new level. Do you want to know how?

How do I know if a person is not good for me?
The famous saying that love can do everything, has made many girls and boys lose years of their lives in a relationship without a future. Mistakenly thinking that someone can change for us, or that they can improve if time and effort are put into it. In part, it is always recommended that couples make an effort, but we should strive for someone who is seriously worthwhile.
To realize that someone is not good for you, you have to do your best to stop idealizing them. Physical attraction can sometimes cause us to see things where there are none. For example, thinking that this boy is our prince charming when in reality he is not.
Do not fall into the illusions created by attraction, because they are the cause of false infatuation. You have to know that they are thoughts created by your own idealization of that person, they are very far from reality and cause you to fall in love with someone who does not really exist.
Also, when a guy wants to take you to bed, he will try all kinds of tricks. Romantic outings, cute words, unique details… To know the difference between whether he suits you or just wants you for one night, it is best that even if you want it with all your strength, do not fall into his games.
It allows games, outings, and even kisses. But it is never recommended to go to bed so fast when it comes to a guy you really want this with. Otherwise, according to the statistics, you will only make him consider you one more of the bunch.
Signs that the guy I like isn’t the one
When our guy turns out not to be the one, everyone around us yells at us. But being so blinded by love or illusion, we overlook everything that is not him. However, in order for you to avoid a broken heart, you’d better start seeing things as they are.
- Forces or insists too much on doing things you don’t want: Your ideal guy would never force you to do something you’re not comfortable with. So, if it has happened to you, it is a clear sign that it is not your place.
- He gets angry when you say no: No, it should always be no. And it is not possible at any time that he gets angry, because he must respect your decisions at all times. Your soulmate will wait until you’re ready to do everything you want to do.
- Try to change the way you are or think: Receiving constant negatives, he will try by all means to find a yes. And that is making you gradually change your way of being, although deep down you feel that it is not the right thing to do.
- It humiliates you or doesn’t respect you: It’s the most alarming sign, and it should be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. A good guy for you would never disrespect you, and he will always look for you to be safe.
How to find the right person?
Finding the right person for us can sometimes be difficult. But the truth is that the best things come to us when we are least expecting them. So, if you’ve already been through numerous bad relationships, it’s best to take some time for yourself.
In that time, learn as much as you can about yourself. Know yourself, feel your body, interpret everything your mind tells you. Because only in that way, you will know what and how you want in your life.
Which will give you the power to say goodbye to everything that harms you, and welcome everything you will know will do you greater good.